PhD student, Data System Group, University of Central Florida
I am currently a Ph.D. Student in Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Central Florida (UCF) , advised by Dr. Kien A. Hua. I am a member of Database Systems Group (DSG) at UCF. In 2011, I was honored enough to be admitted to UCF with the highest honor for new graduate students-the Trustee Doctorl Fellowship. Thanks to the sufficient financial support from this fellowship, I have been able to focus on my research and quickly tranform myself from a coursework-oriented undergradute into a mature researcher. My current research interests include multimedia data analysis, machine learning, computer vision/graphics. I have also published some works on the topic of wireless sensor networks. Before coming to UCF, I got my B.E. degree majoring in Automatic Control from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) , Wuhan, China in 2010.
University of Central Florida
2011 – Present
Ph.D in Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816, USA
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2006 – 2010
B.E.B in Automatic Control, Department of Control Science and Engineering
1037 Luoyu Rd., Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Cross-modal Hashing Through Ranking Subspace Learning
Kai Li, Guojun Qi, Jun Ye and Kien A. Hua
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and EXPO (IEEE ICME), July 2016. (Oral acceptance rate 15% )
WTA Hash-based Multimodal Feature Fusion for 3D Human Action Recognition
Jun Ye, Kai Li and Kien A. Hua
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (IEEE ISM) , December. 2015. (Best Paper Award)
Temporal Order-Preserving Dynamic Quantization for Human Action Recognition from Multimodal Sensor Streams
Jun Ye, Kai Li, Guojun Qi and Kien A. Hua
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ACM ICMR), June. 2015.
ThingStore: A Platform for Internet-of-Things Application Development and Deployment
Kutalmis Akpinar, Kien A. Hua and Kai Li
ACM International Conference on Distributed Even-based Systems (ACM DEBS), June. 2015.
What’s Making that Sound?
Kai Li, Jun Ye and Kien A. Hua
ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM MM), Dec. 2014.
Mobility-assisted Distributed Sensor Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks
Kai Li and Kien A. Hua
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2013.
Mobile Data Collection Networks for Wireless Sensor Networks
Kai Li and Kien A. Hua
International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and Security (MCSS) , Jun. 2012.
Professional Activities
Software Engineering Intern with HP Vertica
May 2015 – Aug. 2015
I worked on the massively-distributed and highly-parallel columnar database system. Specifically, I applied robust optimization theory to database physical design. I implemented a robust physical design algorithm and integrate it with Vertica’s existing DBDesigner. The algorithm is able to maintain stable performance against perturbations in query workloads.
Student Volunteer of IEEE Infocom 2012.
Mar. 2012
I served to hand out badges, programs, and answer meeting-related questions from arriving registrants. I also assisted with setting up of the conference room, directing attendants towards the right program, and collecting and delivering evluation forms at the begining and end of the paper presentation.
Research Intern with Institute for Pattern Reconigtion and Artificial Intelligence, HUST.
Sep. 2010 – Apr. 2011
Reserach on automatic object recognition using template matching algorithms. We built 3D models of the scene and obtained sequences of object templates with different scales and views from simulations. Those templates were then used to find matches in videos of real scene to identify the desired target. We statistically evaluated the performance of different templates by varying the simulation environment and formulated principles for optimal selection of templates.
Research Intern with National Lab of Pattern Recognition, CASIA.
Jul. 2009 ~ Aug. 2009
I worked on an object classification research project during this internship. The object classfication algorithm we used is an emulation of the process of object recognition in primates’ visual cortex. A set of scale- and position- tolerant features were constructed to approximate the response properties of cells along the ventral stream of visual cortex. This work was accepted for publication in Proc. of CVPR. As a junoir undergraduate with only course work experience back then, I was able to grasp this new research topic in a very short time thanks to my strong motivation and solid academic background. I further devloped a system prototype with the object classification algorithm as the core. This system provides intuitive interface for visulizating and tweak various aspects of the algorithm.
Awards and Honors
It is my great honor to have my hard work and achievements recognized by my universities and departments. Below are some important awards I have won in the past few years.
- 2015 – 2nd Runner-up for Best Intern Poster Presentation at HP Vertica
- 2013 – Graudate Presentatino Fellowship
- 2011 to 2014 – Trustee Doctoral Fellowship (the top scholarship for UCF graduate students with scholarships and tuition waivers for four years)
- 2010 – Excellent Graduate Award (top 10%)
- 2009 – National Scholarship for Encouragement (top 3%)
- 2008 – National Scholarship (top 2%)
- 2008 – Foxconn Scholarship (top 5%)
- 2007 – Excellent Award of C Language Programming Competition (top 3)